How do I become a Certified Marquette Method Instructor?
MMPA Student members and MMPA Non-Certified Marquette Method Teachers will be required to write the certification exam in order to become a Marquette Method Certified Professional (MMCP).

Steps to become a Marquette Method Certified Professional (MMCP)
STEP 1: Completion of Teacher Training Course through the Marquette University Institute of NFP or other USCCB approved Marquette Method Teacher Training Course
STEP 2: Join the Marquette Method Professionals Association
STEP 3: Certification Exam – The initial certification is by exam – certification indicates that you meet a certain standard of competence. This process validates your knowledge base, enhances clinical performance, improves credibility and confidence.
To maintain certification as an MMCP, instructors are required to be actively teaching clients or precepting students in the Teacher Training program and maintain continuing education credits.
Continuing Education
Members of the MMPA are required to continue growing their depth and breadth of knowledge. Members will be required to renew their certification every five years, and will need to provide proof of continuing education hours related to fertility and women’s health at the time of recertification.